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Thiruvalluvar Seva Samithi

Thiruvaluvallur seva samithi trust is the Hindu religious trust started in september 2020 by Mohankumar Manickavelu founder and managing trustee
Arunkumar rajesekar secratery Dr.seethalakshmi subramanian tresurer
with the memories of Subramanian Venkatnarayanan who seeded Good intension upon us.
Our main moto is to Construct Lord Siva Temple with all cultural education(yoga Music, Barathanatyam, Meditation Silambam and teaching our Cultural epics ) and built , assist all ancient temples.
To serve rural urban and tribal people by educating them, by giving hands on training for small scale industries and create opportunities to lift them economically.
As per our culture, cows are worshiped like god so to prevent them from auction and to make live till it’s last breath. Also to protect our native breed cows and to safeguard the cows from extincts. This make us to form Ghoshalsa for each district in and around Tamilnadu.
Our Heritage and traditional values are by folded in vedas. Preserving the vedas for next generation is most important. So comes the vedapadashala in order to bring out the traditional teaching method for vedas.
Children and old age home are most essential in these days and many factors make people and children helpless.. So we shall give them shelter and good hope for their future.
To construct school college hospitals, Research foundation and giving good education to all people so that maximum number of persons might get benefited..

What We Do

To serve rural urban and tribal people by educating them, by giving hands on training for small scale industries and create opportunities to lift them economically.

To construct school college hospitals, Research foundation and giving good education to all people so that maximum number of persons might get benefited..

  • Planting Trees

  • Food Donation

  • Free Education

  • Construct Siva Temples

  • Goshala

  • Veda Padashala

Why We Are?

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Food Donated

Trees Planted

Blood Donated

Peoples Benefited

Let’s Go With Us

Join With Us

Our main moto is to Construct Lord Siva Temple with all cultural education(yoga Music, Barathanatyam, Meditation Silambam and teaching our Cultural epics ) and built , assist all ancient temples.


Mohan Kumar

Founder &
Managing Trustee



Dr. Seethalakshmi Subramanian
